This page is a preview of our updated Privacy Policy that takes effect on November 1, 2022. Until then, our existing Privacy Policy continues to apply.

Effective November 1, 2022

Course Hero Companies take privacy seriously. This privacy policy describes the personal data we collect, the purposes for which it is used, and your choices regarding its use.

This privacy policy consists of two parts:

  • Part One sets out the privacy practices that apply across all Course Hero Companies.
  • Part Two sets out additional privacy practices specific to a Course Hero Company.

For purposes of Part One:

This policy does not cover the practices of companies we don’t own or control or people we don’t manage.

If you have a disability, you may access this policy in an alternative format by contacting us at

Part One: Privacy Practices Across Course Hero Companies

Personal Data We Collect

To learn about the personal data collected by a Course Hero Company and the category of third parties with whom your personal data is shared, please read Part Two.

We will not collect additional categories of personal data or use the personal data we collected for materially different, unrelated or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.

Information That is Not Personal Data

We may create aggregated, de-identified or anonymized data from the personal data we collect, including by removing information that makes the data personally identifiable to a particular user. We may use such aggregated, de-identified or anonymized data and share it amongst Course Hero Companies and with third parties for our lawful business purposes, including to analyze, build and improve the Services and promote our business, provided that we will not share such data in a manner that could identify you.

Tracking Tools, Interest Based Advertising And Opt-Out

Course Hero Companies and our third-party providers use cookies and other tracking technologies (“Cookies”) on the Services to collect information. Detailed information about the Cookies used (including the purpose for using them), interest-based advertising, how to manage Cookies, and do-not-track signals, can be found in each Course Hero Company’s respective Cookie Policy, which is linked in the respective company’s privacy statement in Part Two.

Why We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies

Our Shared Purposes

Course Hero Companies share your personal data amongst each other:

  • To co-market, co-promote and cross sell our Services to you.
  • To learn how you use and interact with our Services, for the purposes of improving our Services, including by gathering commercial data and internal analytics on those unique users that subscribe to all or more than one of our Services, and gathering internal analytics on how you engage with one Service when integrated on another Service (for example, your use of a Symbolab feature integrated within
  • To measure our progress towards corporate goals and key performance indicators, including gathering commercial data related to our subscription Services.
  • To enable Course Hero, Inc. to allow users to sign up for and sign in to multiple services across Course Hero Companies at one time.
  • To enable Course Hero, Inc. to respond to customer inquiries about our Services, including customer support requests.
  • To enable Course Hero, Inc. to respond to data subject requests under applicable privacy laws.
  • To distribute and display your content, which may include your username, across one or more of our Services. “Your content”, for purposes of this paragraph, refers only to user generated content you post on our Services. For example, if you post a question or answer on, it may be distributed and displayed on another Course Hero Service, and may include your username.
  • To protect the rights, property or safety of you, Course Hero Companies, or another party, including doing fraud protection, security and debugging.

Each Course Hero Company is considered a controller of personal data for the purposes described above.

For a description of other purposes for which a Course Hero Company collects or processes your personal data, other than for the purposes described above, please read Part Two.

How We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies

Your personal data is shared amongst Course Hero Companies, as follows:

  • To carry out the activities set forth in the Our Shared Purposes section.
  • We also share certain systems and technology; for example, we share systems that manage subscriptions so that you can choose to subscribe and log on to more than one Service with a single account, systems that manage customer support inquiries and data subject requests, and systems that provide analytics.

For how each Course Hero Company shares your personal data with third parties other than amongst Course Hero Companies, please read Part Two.

Marketing Communications

If you sign up to receive marketing communications from a Course Hero Company, that Course Hero Company will collect your email address as well as other information on a voluntary basis to help tailor communications to you. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link included at the bottom of each email. Alternatively, you can opt-out of receiving marketing communications either through your account settings or by contacting us (see Contact Us section below). Please note that you will continue to receive transactional or account-related communications.

Data Security

We seek to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use and disclosure using appropriate physical, technical, organizational and administrative security measures based on the type of personal data and how we are processing that data. You should also help protect your data by appropriately selecting and protecting your password and/or other sign-on mechanism; limiting access to your computer or device and browser; and signing off after you have finished accessing your account. Although we work to protect the security of your account and other data that we hold in our records, please be aware that no method of transmitting data over the internet or storing data is completely secure.

Examples of data security measures include scanning our Services on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to or use of our Services as safe as possible; maintaining your personal data behind secured networks that are only accessible by a limited number of persons with special access rights to such systems and who are under obligation to keep the information confidential; and implementing a variety of security measures when a user enters, submits, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of your personal data.

Data Retention

For Services requiring an account, the relevant Course Hero Company will retain your personal data for as long as you have an open account or as otherwise necessary to provide you with Services. In some cases we retain personal data for longer, if doing so is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed, or is otherwise permitted or required by applicable law, rule or regulation. We may further retain information indefinitely in an anonymous or aggregated form where that information would not identify you personally.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We are constantly improving our Services, so we may need to change this policy from time to time, but we will alert you to any material changes by placing a notice on the product specific website to which the changes apply, by sending you an email and/or by some other reasonable means.

Additional Terms for Canadian Residents

If you reside in Canada, the following additional terms apply. If there are any conflicts between this section and any other provision of this policy, the provision that is more protective of personal data will apply.

Transfers of Personal Data Outside Canada

We may share your personal data amongst Course Hero Companies, with third party service-providers and other third parties that require such information to assist us in providing Services to you. In the course of providing these Services, your personal data may be accessed, collected, stored and processed in the U.S. or other foreign jurisdictions by a Course Hero Company or its third party service providers. Course Hero Companies and third-party service providers may disclose your personal data in response to a search warrant or other legally valid inquiry or order or as otherwise required or permitted by Canadian, US, or other law (which may include disclosure to US and foreign courts, law enforcement or governmental authorities). In the case of a transfer of personal data to Course Hero Companies or third-party service providers that process or store personal data on behalf of a Course Hero Company, the Course Hero Company and/or third party recipient will have agreed to safeguard personal data and use the information only for the purpose(s) for which it has been provided.

Canadian Resident Rights

Subject to applicable law, you have the right to access, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal data in our custody or control. You can request this by email or by writing to us at the contact information set out in the Contact Us section below. We may request certain personal data for the purpose of verifying the identity of the individual seeking access to his or her personal data records.

Additional Terms for California Residents

This section provides information in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) for California residents about how Course Hero Companies handle certain personal data collected over the past 12 months. If you are a California resident, you have the rights set forth in this section. For how to exercise these rights, see the Exercising Your CCPA Rights section. If there are any conflicts between this section and any other provision of this policy, the portion that is more protective of your personal data will apply.

California Resident Rights under the CCPA

  • Access/Right to Know. You have the right to request certain information about our collection and use of your personal data over the past 12 months, including:

    • The categories of personal data that we have collected about you.
    • The categories of sources from which that personal data was collected.
    • The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal data.
    • The categories of third parties with whom we have shared your personal data.
    • The specific pieces of personal data that we have collected about you.

  • Deletion. You have the right to request that we delete the personal data that we have collected about you. Under the CCPA, this right is subject to certain exceptions: for example, we may need to retain your personal data to provide you with the Services or complete a transaction or other action you have requested. Please see the Data Retention section on our purposes for retaining limited personal data.

  • Right to Opt-Out; Sale of Your Personal Data. In some circumstances, you have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. Please note, however, that we do not sell your personal data and have not done so over the last 12 months.

Exercising Your CCPA Rights. To exercise the rights described above, you or your Authorized Agent (defined below) must send us a request that (1) provides sufficient information to allow us to verify that you are the person about whom we have collected personal data, and (2) describes your request in sufficient detail to allow us to understand, evaluate and respond to it. Each request that meets both criteria will be considered a “Valid Request.” We may not respond to requests that do not meet these criteria. We will only use personal data provided in a Valid Request to verify your identity and complete your request. You do not need an account to submit a Valid Request. We will not charge you a fee for making a Valid Request unless your Valid Request(s) is excessive, repetitive or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that your Valid Request warrants a fee, we will notify you of the fee and explain that decision before completing your request. Please see the Contact Us section for where to submit a Valid Request.

Authorized Agent. You may authorize an agent (an “Authorized Agent”) to exercise your rights on your behalf. To do this, you must provide your Authorized Agent with written permission to exercise your rights on your behalf, and we may request a copy of this written permission from your Authorized Agent when they make a request on your behalf.

Non-Discrimination. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. We will not deny you our goods or services, charge you different prices or rates, or provide you a lower quality of goods and services if you exercise your rights. However, we may offer different tiers of our Services as allowed by applicable data privacy laws (including the CCPA) with varying prices, rates or levels of quality of the goods or services you receive related to the value of personal data that we receive from you.

Categories of Third Parties We Have Shared Your Personal Data With

For the categories of third parties with whom a Course Hero Company shares the personal data it collects and has collected about you over the past 12 months, please read the product specific section in Part Two.

Your Rights under California’s Shine-the-Light Law

Under California Civil Code Sections 1798.83-1798.84, California residents are entitled to contact us to prevent disclosure of personal data to third parties for such third parties’ direct marketing purposes. To submit such a request, please see the Contact Us section and specify “California Shine the Light Request” in the subject line.

Other State Law Privacy Rights

Nevada Resident Rights

If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal data to third parties who intend to license or sell that personal data. Please note that we do not currently sell your personal data as sales are defined in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A.


If you have an unresolved privacy concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third-party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at Under certain conditions, you may also be entitled to invoke binding arbitration for complaints not resolved by other means.

If you are a European Economic Area or UK resident, please see the Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents section for where to lodge a complaint.

Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents

If you reside in the European Union, Lichtenstein, Norway or Iceland (collectively, the European Economic Area or “EEA”) or the United Kingdom, the following terms apply. If there are any conflicts between this section and any other provision of this policy, the provision that is more protective of personal data will apply.

Legal Basis for Use of Your Personal Data

The personal data processed by Course Hero Companies, as described in Parts One and Two, are processed under the following legal basis:

  • Contractual Necessity. Each Course Hero Company processes personal data as a matter of contractual necessity, meaning that we need to process the data to perform under our product specific Terms of Use or Terms of Service with you, which enables us to provide you with the Service. This includes for the purposes of:
    • Providing users with the products, services or information they request.
    • Providing customer support and assistance for the Services.
    • Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users' preferences.
    • Creating and managing user accounts or user profiles.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
    • Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about Course Hero Companies or the Services.

    When we process personal data due to contractual necessity, failure to provide such personal data will result in your inability to use some or all portions of the Services that require such information.

  • Legitimate Interest. Each Course Hero Company processes personal data when it furthers its legitimate interests. This includes:
    Purposes for ProcessingLegitimate Interest Relied On
    Providing support and assistance for the Services.In our interest to operate and manage our business, including providing customer support.
    Learning how you use and interact with one or more of our Services for the purposes of improving the Services, including testing, research, internal analytics and product development.In our interest to understand how our customers use our Services and to improve and develop our products and Services.
    To measure our progress towards corporate goals and key performance indicators, including gathering commercial data related to our subscription Services.In our interest to understand how our customers use our Services and to improve and develop our products and Services.
    Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users’ preferences.In our interest to improve our products and Services for our users, including to personalize the Services for users.
    Marketing and selling the Services, including co-market, co-promote and cross sell.In our interest to market, advertise and promote our products and Services to users.
    Showing you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising.In our interest to market, advertise and promote our products and Services to users.
    Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about Course Hero Companies or the Services.In our interest to operate and manage our business, including to handle your requests and inquiries.
    Sending emails and other communications to you as our customer according to your preferences or that display content that we think will interest you.In our interest to improve our products and Services for our users, including to personalize the Service for users.
    Preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities (such as fraud).In our interest, and the interests of our users, to ensure the safety and security of our Services.
    Protecting the rights, property or safety of you, Course Hero, or another party.In our interest to protect our rights and property, and the safety of our staff. It is also in our interest, and the interest of our users, to protect the rights, property and safety of our users.
    Enforcing any agreements with you, including our Terms of Use or Terms of Service.In our interest to ensure that our Services are used in accordance with our terms.
    Completion of corporate transactions.In our interest to operate and manage our business in the event of a proposed or actual business sale.
  • Consent: In some cases, a Course Hero Company processes personal data based on the consent you expressly grant to it at the time it collects such data (which you may withdraw at any time after giving it, as described in this policy). For example, we process your personal data to send you marketing communications where you have consented to such use. We may also obtain your personal data through the use of advertising or tracking cookies based on your prior consent and use your personal data for showing you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising. We may furthermore share your personal data amongst Course Hero Companies for marketing purposes, with your consent. When we process personal data based on your consent, it will be expressly indicated to you at the point and time of collection. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. We refer to the EEA and UK Resident Rights section below for further information.

  • Legal obligation: Each Course Hero Company processes your personal data where necessary to fulfill its legal obligations under applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal processing (e.g. subpoenas or warrants). This includes for the purposes of:

    • Fraud protection, security and debugging.
    • Responding to data subject requests under applicable privacy laws.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
    • Preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities.
    • Data retention and administration obligations.
    • Complying with requests of competent supervisory authorities and legal agencies.
  • Other Processing Grounds: From time to time, a Course Hero Company may also need to process personal data if it is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or others, or if it is necessary for a task carried out in the public interest.

EEA and UK Resident Rights

  • Access: You can request access to the personal data we hold about you.

  • Rectification: If you believe that any personal data we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that we correct or supplement such data. You may correct some of this information directly by logging on to your account.

  • Erasure: You can request that we erase some or all of your personal data from our systems. Under the GDPR and the UK GDPR, this right is subject to certain exceptions. Please see the Data Retention section on the purposes for which we retain limited personal data.

  • Withdrawal of Consent: If we are processing your personal data based on your consent (as indicated at the time of collection of such data), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Please note, however, that if you exercise this right, you may have to then provide express consent on a case-by-case basis for the use or disclosure of certain of your personal data, if such use or disclosure is necessary to enable you to utilize some or all of our Services.

  • Portability: You can ask for your personal data in a machine-readable format. You can also request that we transmit the data to another controller where technically feasible.

  • Objection: You can contact us to let us know that you object to the further use or disclosure of your personal data for certain purposes, such as for direct marketing purposes.

  • Restriction of Processing: You can ask us to restrict further processing of your personal data.

Please note that in some circumstances, we may not be able to fully comply with your request, such as if it is frivolous or extremely impractical, if it jeopardizes the rights of others, or if it is not required by law, but in those circumstances, we will still respond to notify you of such a decision. In some cases, we may also need you to provide us with additional information, which may include personal data, if necessary to verify your identity and the nature of your request.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please see the Contact Us section of this policy.

Cross Border Transfers of Personal Data

Course Hero Companies are located in the United States, Israel, India, The Netherlands, and Canada and may continue to grow in other countries. We also have service providers both in the United States and throughout the world. As such, Course Hero Companies and our service providers may transfer your personal data to, or access it in, jurisdictions that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as your home jurisdiction. When we transfer information about individuals based in the EEA or UK outside of those countries, we will take appropriate measures to safeguard the transfer as required by applicable law, including by using the European Commission-approved standard contractual data protection clauses or following an adequacy decision by the EU Commission. If you do not want your personal data transferred outside of the EEA or UK, please do not submit any personal data to us or use our Services. You may always contact us to request a copy of the transfer measures that we have taken to safeguard the transfer of your personal data.


You have the right to lodge a complaint about our practices with respect to your personal data before a supervisory data protection authority.

Contact Us

If you subscribed to more than one Service at checkout and would like to exercise any of the rights under applicable privacy law, you can submit your request to Course Hero, Inc. and indicate so on the request; Course Hero, Inc. will process it accordingly. Otherwise, please contact the Course Hero company relevant to your request.

Course Hero
Course Hero, Inc.
Attn: Monique Ho, General Counsel
2000 Seaport Blvd, Floor 3
Redwood City, CA 94063 USA
GDPR/CCPA Request Form

EEA and UK residents may contact our EU and UK based representative regarding all requests related to data protection and privacy:

DP-Dock GmbH
Ballindamm 39
20095 Hamburg, Germany

DP Data Protection Services UK Ltd.,
16 Great Queen Street, Covent Garden
London, WC2B 5AH, United Kingdom

Part Two: Product Specific Privacy Details

This Part Two describes how each Course Hero Company processes your personal data to deliver its Services to you. Please click on the applicable Service for details.

Course Hero, Inc. is the data controller of your personal data for the purposes of delivering the Services (as defined in our Terms of Use). Any capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in our Terms of Use. You can contact us at

Course Hero
Course Hero, Inc.
Attn: Monique Ho, General Counsel
2000 Seaport Blvd, Floor 3
Redwood City, CA 94063 USA
GDPR/CCPA Request Form

EEA and UK residents may contact our EU and UK based representative regarding all requests related to data protection and privacy:

Table of Contents

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about children under 13 years of age; if you are a child under the age of 13, please do not attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. If we learn we have collected personal data from a child under 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided personal data to us, please contact Course Hero, Inc. to provide that information (see the Contact Us section).

If you are under the age of 16 and a resident of the EEA or the UK, or under 18 and a resident of Israel, please have your parent or guardian contact us to provide consent for processing your personal data before you attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. Please see the Contact Us section.

Personal Data Collected

When you sign up with Course Hero

When you sign up with Course Hero, we collect your username, email, user type (student or educator), and the school you attend.

If you identify as an educator, the school and email we collect is the school where you teach and your school issued email, which are verified by our third-party identification service provider. We also collect your first and last name. If you provide a personal email but want to create an educator account, or if you are unable to be verified by our third party identification service provider, we will collect a copy of your school/faculty issued ID or other document that verifies your status as an educator, such as your employment offer, letter of acceptance, or copy of a pay stub. We require that you redact personal data (except your name and your employer) from these documents before they are shared with us.

If you apply to be a tutor, in addition to username and email, we collect the following application information: your areas of expertise, first and last name, country of residence, highest level of education, professional background, mobile number, and confirmation that you are 16 and above. We also collect evidence of your educational background such as your diploma, professional certificate/license, or school transcript. Finally, to verify your identity, we collect a copy of a photo ID, such as your student ID, driver’s license, or other government ID, as well as a photo of yourself holding the photo ID submitted to us. If your ID includes the equivalent of a Social Security Number, we ask that you redact the number when submitting your ID to us. We also collect your PayPal email in order to transfer your earnings for tutoring on Course Hero.

Based on your consent, we will use your mobile number to send you notifications about high demand student questions.

Canadian residents only : If you want to claim earnings as a tutor, we collect your tax information, which consists of your full name or business entity name, type of ID (SIN for an individual or program account number for a business), government ID number, and permanent address for the purpose of reporting earnings up to a certain amount.

If you sign up as a paying subscriber, payment information, such as card number, is collected and processed directly by our third-party payment processors. Our payment processors are Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, Braintree and Recurly. For information on our payment processor’s collection, use and storage of your personal data, please see the payment processor’s privacy policy. Our payment processors do not share your full payment card information with us.

Additional personal data you may choose to give to us

If you sign up as a student, you may choose to provide us with your first and last name, phone number (if you choose to enable SMS texting in your account settings), graduation date (month and year), and a profile picture.

If you sign up as a tutor, you may choose to provide us with your graduation date (month and year), a profile picture, the name of the school you attended, prior relevant experience, and other platforms you’ve tutored on (collectively, “Tutor Profile Data”).

If you sign up as an educator, you may choose to provide us with your academic role and subject/department, resume (to parse out optional data on your Course Hero profile), a profile picture, a public profile link (such as a link to your faculty or LinkedIn profile), courses taught, your biography, education (school, degree, field of study, dates), teaching history, publications and awards (collectively, “Educator Profile Data”).

Personal data that is publicly accessible

The following data is publicly accessible:

  • If you have a student account, your username and school, as well as graduation date and profile picture, if provided.
  • If you have a tutor account, your username, information about your active status on Course Hero, and any Tutor Profile Data. If you upload photos, videos or recordings of your environment to answer a student question, the attachment(s) (together with your answer) will also be publicly accessible.
  • If you have an educator account, your first and last name, school where you teach, and any Educator Profile Data.
  • If you upload Content on Course Hero, any personal data included in your Submission. Please do not include personal data in your Submission that you would not want to be publicly available.

Contests and sweepstakes

When you participate in a Course Hero contest or sweepstake, we collect your email, mailing address (for physical prizes), and school you attend. If you are selected as the winner, we also collect a copy of your driver's license and student ID to confirm your identity and eligibility, after which the copies are deleted. For cash prizes, we require winners to complete a W-2 tax and direct deposit information used solely to make payment to you.


When you apply for a Course Hero scholarship, we collect your name, email address, phone number, as well as biographical, education, financial, and work history information.

On site and virtual events

From time to time, Course Hero hosts in person and/or virtual events for educators and students. When you register to attend an event, we may collect your email, school, name, title, and country of residence.

Collected through your use of Course Hero

When you use our Services, we collect the following:

  • Usage information (such as the date and time of visits, pages viewed, links to/from any page, and time spent in a session)
  • Device information (such as your internet protocol (IP) address, Internet service provider, operating system, and web browser type)
  • Location information (based on your IP address), to (among other things) show relevant content, identify the applicable regional subscription offering and to detect/identify fraud on our Services

Course Hero collects phone numbers in certain cases during your use of our Services for the purpose of verifying your account and preventing fraud. For example, if you are not a paying subscriber and would like to submit a question on Course Hero for the first time, we will prompt you to provide your phone number so we can send a confirmation code solely to verify your account. If you are a tutor, we will prompt you to provide your mobile number before withdrawing earnings.

We also collect phone numbers to send you messages based on your express consent at the time of collection. For example, unless you voluntarily provided your phone number to enable SMS texting in your account settings, we will give you the option to provide it after submitting a question so that we can, with your consent, send you text updates on tutor response.

From time to time, Course Hero offers programs which involve payment of earnings or other payment to you. In such cases, you may choose to participate and provide us with your PayPal email to receive payments from Course Hero.

Collected about you from third party sources

If you choose to sign up with Course Hero using a third-party log-in service, you will provide us or allow the log-in service to provide us with your personal data as specified by that third-party log-in service. For example, if you choose to sign up using Facebook, you will provide us or allow Facebook to provide us with your personal data, such as your name, email, user ID, profile picture, and education data (school, school type, school name, graduation year), if available. If you use Google, you will provide us or allow Google to provide us with your name, email, and profile picture, if available. If you use Apple, you will have the option to allow Apple to provide us with your email address.

For more information about the personal data shared with Course Hero, please see the third-party log-in services (Facebook, Google and Apple's) privacy policies.

Provided by you when you communicate with us

When you contact customer support, we collect your first and last name, the email registered with your Course Hero account, and the last 4 digits of your credit card number. You may also choose to provide us with additional information, such as name on credit card and phone number.

When your provide feedback, we collect your email and any other personal data you may provide us.

When we conduct research to improve our Services

From time to time, we conduct research to help improve our Services by sending you online surveys or questionnaires. In such cases, we may collect demographic data about you, such as gender, age, and education level, on a voluntary and anonymized basis.

In some cases, research participants may be asked to submit sensory data, such as photos, videos or recordings of a participant’s environment, which we use only for research purposes.

Our Uses

In addition to the Our Shared Purposes section in Part One, we use the personal data we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Providing, customizing and improving the Services
    • Providing users with the products, services or information they request.
    • Providing support and assistance for the Services.
    • Improving the Services, including testing, research, internal analytics and product development.
    • Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users’ preferences.
    • Doing fraud protection, security and debugging.
    • Carrying out other business purposes stated when collecting users’ personal data or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
    • Creating and managing user accounts or user profiles.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
  • Marketing the Services
    • Marketing and selling the Services.
    • Showing you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising.
  • Corresponding with you
    • Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about Course Hero or the Services.
    • Sending emails and other communications according to your preferences or that display content that we think will interest you.
  • Meeting legal requirements and enforcing legal terms
    • Fulfilling our legal obligations under applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), such as preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities.
    • Protecting the rights, property or safety of you, Course Hero, or another party.
    • Enforcing any agreements with you, including our Terms of Use.

For UK and EEA residents, please see Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents in Part One for our lawful basis for processing your personal data for the purposes described above.

How We Share Your Personal Data

In addition to the How We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies section in Part One, we share your personal data as reasonably necessary for the purposes described below:

  • Service Providers These third parties help us provide the Services or perform business functions on our behalf. They include:
    • Hosting, technology and communication providers
    • Security and fraud prevention consultants
    • Analytics providers that provide analytics on web traffic or usage of our Services (e.g. tools that track user clicks or how visitors found our Services)
    • Support and customer service vendors
    • Payment processors
      • Our third party payment processors are listed in the When you sign up with Course Hero section. They collect your payment information necessary to process your payment and share limited payment information with Course Hero, as described in the Payment Data row in the chart below.
    • Identification service providers
  • Advertising Partners These third parties help us market our services and provide you with other offers that may be of interest to you. They include:
    • Ad networks (including social media ad networks)
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate When Using Our Services
    • Third-party log-in services
  • Legal Obligations. Third parties that carry out the activities set forth under Meeting Legal Requirements and Enforcing Legal Terms in the Our Uses section above.
  • Business Transfers. If we undergo a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part), your personal data may be transferred to that third party. Should one of these events occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before your information becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.

Below are the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal data that we collect and have collected over the past 12 months.

Category of Personal DataPersonal Data We CollectCategories of Third Parties With Whom We May Share this Personal Data:
Profile or Contact Data
  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Mailing address
  • School
  • Graduation date
  • Profile image
  • Courses
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Payment Processors
  • SIN or program account number (Canadians claiming earnings only)
  • Service Providers
Payment Data
  • Card holder name
  • Billing city, state, postal code and country
  • Payment card type
  • First 6 and last 4 digits of payment card
  • Expiration date
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Providers (only first 6 digits of card)
Commercial Data
  • Purchase history
  • Service Providers
Online Identifiers
  • Unique identifiers such as account name and passwords
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Device/IP Data
  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Type of device/operating system/browser used to access the Services
  • Session IDs and group session IDs (together using cookies)
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
Web Analytics
  • Browsing or search history
  • Web page interactions
  • Referring webpage/source through which you accessed the Services
  • Statistics associated with the interaction between device or browser and the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
Third-Party Login Data
  • Email
  • Name and profile picture
  • User ID and education data
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Professional or Employment-Related Data
  • Educator resume
  • Educator job title
  • Educator job history
  • Tutor education level
  • Tutor diploma/transcript
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Non-Public Education Data
  • Tutor grades or transcripts
  • Scholarship applicant - student financial information
  • Service Providers
Geolocation Data
  • IP-address-based location information
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
  • Payment Processors
Sensory Data
  • Photos, videos or recordings of a user’s environment (research participants; questions and answers on tutoring service)
  • Service Providers
Other Identifying Information that You Voluntarily Choose to Provide
  • Identifying information in emails or letters you send us
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Providers

Additional Data Security

In addition to the security measures identified in the Data Security section in Part One, the information security controls implemented by Course Hero are audited annually by an external third-party certified Qualified Security Assessor for compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) security standards.

Deleting Your Account

If you would like to delete your account, you can do this directly by going to “My Account” in your Account Settings. If you choose to delete your account: 1) your account information (username and any other information you provided on your account) will be deleted from the Course Hero platform, but your Submissions will remain in accordance with our Terms of Use; 2) we will not be able to provide you with Services, and you will no longer receive emails from us; and 3) you will not be able to use the email associated with your account with Course Hero again.

If the CCPA, GDPR or other privacy law grants you the right to have your personal data deleted entirely from Course Hero and you want to exercise that right, please read Part One for how to submit your request.

Cookie Policy

To view our Cookie Policy, click here .

LitCharts, LLC, operator of both the LitCharts and CliffsNotes Services, is the data controller of your personal data for the purposes of delivering the Services (as defined in the LitCharts Terms of Service and CliffsNotes Terms of Service). You can contact us at

LitCharts, LLC
Attn: Monique Ho, General Counsel
P.O. Box 1162
Madison, NJ 07940 USA
Contact Page for general privacy-related issues
GDPR Request Form
You can delete the personal data LitCharts holds about you directly within your user account, under “Account Settings”.

EEA and UK residents may contact our EU and UK based representative regarding all requests related to data protection and privacy:

Table of Contents

Children's Privacy

If you are under the age of 16 (or under the age of 18 and a resident of Israel), please do not attempt to register for or otherwise use the LitCharts or CliffsNotes Services, or send any personal data using the Services. If we learn that personal data from a child under the age of 16 (or under 18 in Israel) has been provided, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 16 (or under 18 in Israel) may have provided personal data on LitCharts or CliffsNotes, please notify LitCharts LLC directly (see Contact Us).

If you are under the age of 16 and a resident of the EEA or the UK, or under 18 and a resident of Israel, please have your parent or guardian contact us to provide consent for processing your personal data before you attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. Please see the Contact Us section.

Personal Data Collected

When you sign up with LitCharts or CliffsNotes

When you create an account on LitCharts or CliffsNotes, we collect your email, country of residence, and date of birth. On LitCharts only, we will also collect user type (student, teacher/educator, parent, librarian, general interest reader) and username.

If you sign up for a paid subscription on LitCharts or CliffsNotes, payment information, such as card number, is collected and processed directly by our third-party payment processors. Our payment processors are Stripe and PayPal (on the LitCharts Service) and Stripe only (on the CliffsNotes Service). For information on our payment processor’s collection, use and storage of your personal data, please see the payment processor’s privacy policy. Our payment processors do not share your full payment card information with us.

Collected through your use of our Services

When you use our Services, we collect the following information:

  • Usage information (such as the date and time of visits, pages viewed, links to/from any page, and time spent in a session)
  • Device information (such as your internet protocol (IP) address, Internet service provider, operating system, and web browser type)
  • Location information (based on your IP address), to detect/identify fraud on our Services

Collected about you from third party sources (LitCharts Service only)

If you choose to create an account with us using a third party log-in service (such as Facebook or Google), you will provide us or allow the log-in service to provide us with your personal data, such as your email, name and/or username, if available, and any other personal data specified by that third-party log-in services. For more information about the personal data shared with LitCharts, please see the third-party log-in services (Facebook or Google) privacy policies.

In some cases, we may receive personal data about you from a third party, such as your employer or academic institution, to enable your account setup to use our Services.

Provided by you when you communicate with us

When you contact customer support, we collect your first and last name, email, and any other personal data you may provide to us when you complete our customer support form.

We also collect your email and any other personal data you may provide to us when you respond to surveys or questionnaires we send for research purposes or as part of our Services, or when you provide feedback.

Our Uses

In addition to the Our Shared Purposes section in Part One, we use the personal data we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Providing, customizing and improving the Services
    • Providing users with the products, services or information they request.
    • Providing support and assistance for the Services.
    • Improving the Services, including testing, research, internal analytics and product development.
    • Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users’ preferences.
    • Doing fraud protection, security and debugging.
    • Carrying out other business purposes stated when collecting users’ personal data or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
    • Creating and managing user accounts or user profiles.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
  • Marketing the Services
    • Marketing and selling the Services.
    • Showing you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising (CliffsNotes Service only).
  • Corresponding with you or others, as authorized by you
    • Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about us or the Services
    • Sending emails and other communications according to your preferences or that display content that we think will interest you.
    • Communicating with individuals authorized by you.
  • Meeting legal requirements and enforcing legal terms
    • Fulfilling our legal obligations under applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), such as preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities.
    • Protecting the rights, property or safety of you, LitCharts and CliffsNotes, or another party.
    • Enforcing any agreements with you, including the LitCharts Terms of Use or CliffsNotes Terms of Service.

For UK and EEA residents, please see Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents in Part One for our lawful basis for processing your personal data for the purposes described above.

How We Share Your Personal Data

In addition to the How We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies section in Part One, we share your personal data as reasonably necessary for the purposes described below:

  • Service Providers These third parties help us provide the Services or perform business functions on our behalf. They include:
    • Hosting, technology and communication providers
    • Support and customer service vendors
    • Analytics providers that provide analytics on web traffic or usage of our Services (e.g. tools that track user clicks or how visitors found our Services)
    • Payment processors
  • Advertising Partners These third parties help us market our services and provide you with other offers that may be of interest to you. They include:
    • Ad networks (including social media ad networks)
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate When Using Our Services
    • Third-party log-in services
  • Legal Obligations. Third parties that carry out the activities set forth under Meeting Legal Requirements and Enforcing Legal Terms section above.
  • Business Transfers. If we undergo a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part), your personal data may be transferred to that third party. Should one of these events occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before your information becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.

Below are the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal data that we collect and have collected over the past 12 months.

Category of Personal DataPersonal Data We CollectCategories of Third Parties With Whom We May Share this Personal Data:
Profile or Contact Data
  • Email
  • Country
  • Date of birth
  • Username (LitCharts Service only)
  • User type (e.g., teacher, student, general interests, reader, librarian, and or parent) (LitCharts Service only)
  • Service Providers
  • Payment Processors
Payment Data
  • Card holder name
  • Billing address
  • Payment card type
  • Last 4 digits of payment card
  • Expiration date
  • Service Providers
Commercial Data
  • Purchase history
  • Consumer Profiles
  • Service Providers
Online Identifiers
  • Unique identifiers such as account name and passwords
  • Service Providers
Device/IP Data
  • IP address
  • Type of device/operating system/browser used to access the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Web Analytics
  • Web page interactions
  • Non-identifiable request IDs
  • Advertising Partners (CliffsNotes Service only)
  • Analytics Partners
Third-Party Login Data (LitCharts Service only)
  • Email
  • Service Providers
Demographic Data
  • Age/date of birth
  • Postal code
  • Service Providers
Geolocation Data
  • IP-address-based location information
  • Service Providers
Other Identifying Information that You Voluntarily Choose to Provide
  • Identifying information in emails or letters you send us
  • Service Providers

Deleting Your Account

You can delete the personal data LitCharts holds about you directly within your user account, under “Account Settings”.

Cookie Policy

To view the LitCharts Cookie Policy, click here .
To view the CliffNotes Cookie Policy, click here .

Course Hero Symbolab Ltd. is the data controller of your personal data for the purposes of delivering the Services (as defined in our Terms of Use). Any capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in our Terms of Use. You can contact us at

Course Hero Symbolab Ltd.
Attn: Monique Ho, General Counsel
P.O. Box 39305
Tel Aviv, 6139201
You can delete the personal data Symbolab holds about you directly within your user account, under “Account Management”.

EEA and UK residents may contact our EU and UK based representative regarding all requests related to data protection and privacy:

Table of Contents

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about children under 13 years of age; if you are a child under the age of 13, please do not attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. If we learn we have collected personal data from a child under 13 years of age, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 years of age may have provided personal data to us, please contact Course Hero Symbolab to provide that information (see the Contact Us section).

If you are under the age of 16 and a resident of the EEA or the United Kingdom, or under 18 and are a resident of Israel, please have your parent or guardian contact us to provide consent for processing your personal data before you attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. Please see the Contact Us section.

Personal Data Collected

When you sign up with Symbolab

When you create an account on Symbolab, we collect your first and last name and email. If you sign up to be a paying subscriber, we collect your billing email. Payment information, such as card number, is collected and processed directly by our third-party payment processors. Our payment processors are Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal and Stripe. For information on our payment processor’s collection, use and storage of your personal data, please see the payment processor’s privacy policy. Our payment processors do not share your full payment card information with us.

Collected through your use of our Services

When you use our Services, we collect location information (based on your IP address), to identify the applicable default language and regional subscription offering on our Services.

Collected about you from third party sources

If you choose to create an account with us using a third-party log-in service (such as Facebook, Office365 or Google), you will provide us or allow the third-party social network or log-in service to provide us with your personal data, such as your email and username, if available, and any other personal data specified by that third-party log-in service.

For more information about the personal data shared with Symbolab, please see the third-party log-in services (Facebook, Office365 or Google) privacy policies.

Provided by you when you communicate with us

When you contact us to provide feedback, you have the option to provide us with your name, email, and any other personal data.

When you contact us for customer support, we collect your email, device information (operating system and web browser type), and any other personal data you may choose to provide us.

When you respond to surveys or questionnaires we send for research purposes or as part of our Services, we collect your email and any other personal data you may choose to provide us.

Our Uses

In addition to the Our Shared Purposes section in Part One, we use the personal data we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Providing, customizing and improving the Services
    • Providing users with the products, services or information they request.
    • Providing support and assistance for the Services.
    • Improving the Services, including testing, research, internal analytics and product development.
    • Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users’ preferences.
    • Doing fraud protection, security and debugging.
    • Carrying out other business purposes stated when collecting users’ personal data or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
    • Creating and managing user accounts or user profiles.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
  • Marketing the Services
    • Marketing and selling the Services.
    • Showing you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising.
  • Corresponding with you
    • Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about Course Hero or the Services.
    • Sending emails and other communications according to your preferences or that display content that we think will interest you.
  • Meeting legal requirements and enforcing legal terms
    • Fulfilling our legal obligations under applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), such as preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities.
    • Protecting the rights, property or safety of you, Symbolab, or another party.
    • Enforcing any agreements with you, including our Terms of Use.

For UK and EEA residents, please see Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents in Part One for our lawful basis for processing your personal data for the purposes described above.

How We Share Your Personal Data

In addition to the How We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies section in Part One, we share your personal data as reasonably necessary for the purposes described below:

  • Service Providers These third parties help us provide the Services or perform business functions on our behalf. They include:
    • Hosting, technology and communication providers
    • Security and fraud prevention consultants
    • Analytics providers that provide analytics on web traffic or usage of our Services (e.g. tools that track user clicks or how visitors found our Services)
    • Support and customer service vendors
    • Payment processors
      • Our third party payment processors are listed in the When you sign up with Symbolab section. They collect your payment information necessary to process your payment and share limited payment information with us, as described in the Payment Data row in the chart below.
  • With Advertising Partners
    • Ad networks (including social media ad networks)
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate When Using Our Services
    • Third-party log-in services
  • Legal Obligations. Third parties that carry out the activities set forth under Meeting Legal Requirements and Enforcing Legal Terms in the Our Uses section above.
  • Business Transfers. If we undergo a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part), your personal data may be transferred to that third party. Should one of these events occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before your information becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.

Below are the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal data that we collect and have collected over the past 12 months.

Category of Personal DataPersonal Data We CollectCategories of Third Parties With Whom We May Share this Personal Data:
Profile or Contact Data
  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Service Providers
Payment Data
  • Billing email
  • Card holder name
  • Billing address
  • Payment card type
  • Last 4 digits of payment card
  • Expiration date
  • Service Providers
  • Payment Processor
Commercial Data
  • Purchase history
  • Service Providers
Online Identifiers
  • Unique identifiers such as account name and passwords
  • Service Providers
Device/IP Data
  • Type of device/operating system/browser used to access the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Web Analytics
  • Browsing or search history
  • Web page interactions
  • Referring webpage/source through which you accessed the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Third-Party Login Data
  • Email
  • Username on social network or third-party login service
  • Service Providers
Geolocation Data
  • IP-address-based location information
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Processors
  • Analytics Partners
Other Identifying Information that You Voluntarily Choose to Provide
  • Identifying information in emails or letters you send us
  • Service Providers

Deleting Your Account

You can delete the personal data Symbolab holds about you directly within your user account, under “Account Management”.

Cookie Policy

To view our Cookie Policy, click here .

QuillBot (Course Hero), LLC is the data controller of your personal data for the purposes of delivering the Services (as defined in our Terms of Use). You can contact us at

QuillBot (Course Hero), LLC
Attn: Monique Ho, General Counsel
303 East Wacker, Suite 2101
Chicago, Illinois 60601 USA

EEA and UK residents may contact our EU and UK based representative regarding all requests related to data protection and privacy:

Table of Contents

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about children under 13 years of age; if you are a child under the age of 13, please do not attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. If we learn we have collected personal data from a child under 13 years of age, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 years of age may have provided personal data to us, please contact QuillBot (Course Hero), LLC to provide that information (see the Contact Us section).

If you are under the age of 16 and a resident of the EEA or the United Kingdom, or under 18 and are a resident of Israel, please have your parent or guardian contact us to provide consent for processing your personal data before you attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. Please see the Contact Us section.

Personal Data Collected

When you sign up with QuillBot

When you register for an account to use our Services, we ask you for your name and email. If you sign up for our premium Services, payment information, such as card number, is collected and processed directly by our third-party payment processors. Our payment processors are Amazon Pay, Stripe, PayPal, Chargebee, and Apple Pay. For information on our payment processor’s collection, use and storage of your personal data, please see the payment processor’s privacy policy. Our payment processors do not share your full payment card information with us.

Collected through your use of QuillBot

When you use our Services, we collect the following information:

  • Usage information (such as the date and time of visits, pages viewed, links to/from any page, and time spent in a session)
  • Device information (such as your internet protocol (IP) address, Internet service provider, operating system, and web browser type)
  • Location information (based on your IP address), to identify the applicable regional subscription offering and to detect/identify fraud on our Services

When you use our Services, we may also collect personal data you provide or otherwise make available to us via our Services. For example, when you use the plagiarism checker, we store a copy of your document, which includes any information contained within. When you use our Paraphraser tool, we will collect any information you paraphrase, including personal data you enter into Paraphraser. When you upload documents to our Services, we will store both a copy of the original document (or the text of the original document) as well as the paraphrased version and any information contained within. When you use our Co-Writer service, we will collect any information, including personal data, you enter into your project(s) within Co-Writer.

If you use the voice recognition feature on Co-Writer for audio to text conversion, the audio to text conversion occurs in real time and audio is not stored by us; however, the text converted from audio input that is added by you to your project(s) within Co-Writer is stored by us.

When you use the QuillBot for Chrome extension, the contents in the email you prepare (excluding reply or forward content), chat messages you write (excluding history or chats received), documents you create, search queries, and text you input on multiline fields on websites you visit (“Your Content”), as transmitted by you in connection with your use of our extension, will be used in real time on our machine learning algorithm, after which Your Content is deleted from our Services. We also collect URLs and usage information (in addition to the usage information described immediately above), such as the number of times you disable/enable the extension on a website, which we retain to help us understand how you use this Service and to help us improve it. We only collect Your Content when the QuillBot icon is displayed and enabled, indicating that Your Content will be grammar checked or paraphrased. You can choose to disable the QuillBot extension at any time on the top right corner of your browser. We do not access your contacts, text in single-line input fields (which are more likely to contain personal data), or content in fields marked “sensitive” such as credit card, password, email address or email subject fields.

We use analytics services such as Google Analytics and Amplitude to collect and process certain analytics data when you use our Services. These services may also collect information about your use of other websites, apps, and online resources. For more information about our use of these services, please see our Cookie Policy. In addition, you can learn about Google’s practices by going to and opt out of them by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at

Collected about you from third party sources

If you choose to sign up with QuillBot using certain third-party log-in services (such as Facebook or Google) you will provide us or allow the log-in service to provide us with your personal data, such as your email, name and/or username, if available, and any other personal data specified by that third-party log-in service. For more information about the personal data shared with QuillBot, please see the third-party log-in service’s (Facebook or Google) privacy policies.

In some cases, we may receive personal data about you from a third party, such as your employer or academic institution, to enable your account setup to use our Services.

Provided by you when you communicate with us

When you contact us for more information about QuillBot or for customer support, we collect your name, email, and the contents of your message to us.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will collect your email. When we send you emails, we may track whether you open them to learn how to deliver a better customer experience and improve our Services.

We collect your email and any other personal data you may provide to us when you respond to surveys or questionnaires we send for research purposes or as part of our Services; or when you provide feedback.

Our Uses

In addition to the Our Shared Purposes section in Part One, we use the personal data we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Providing, customizing and improving the Services
    • Providing users with the products, services or information they request.
    • Providing support and assistance for the Services.
    • Improving the Services, including testing, research, internal analytics and product development.
    • Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users’ preferences.
    • Doing fraud protection, security and debugging.
    • Carrying out other business purposes stated when collecting users’ personal data or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
    • Creating and managing user accounts or user profiles.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
  • Marketing the Services
    • Marketing and selling the Services.
  • Corresponding with you or others, as authorized by you
    • Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about Course Hero or the Services.
    • Sending emails and other communications according to your preferences or that display content that we think will interest you.
    • Communicating with individuals authorized by you.
  • Meeting legal requirements and enforcing legal terms
    • Fulfilling our legal obligations under applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), such as preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities.
    • Protecting the rights, property or safety of you, QuillBot, or another party.
    • Enforcing any agreements with you, including our Terms of Use.

For UK and EEA residents, please see Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents in Part One for our lawful basis for processing your personal data for the purposes described above.

How We Share Your Personal Data

In addition to the How We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies section in Part One, we share your personal data as reasonably necessary for the purposes described below:

  • Service Providers These third parties help us provide the Services or perform business functions on our behalf. They include:
    • Hosting, technology and communication providers
    • Analytics providers that provide analytics on web traffic or usage of our Services (e.g. tools that track user clicks or how visitors found our Services)
    • Support and customer service vendors
    • Payment processors
      • Our third party payment processors are listed in the When you sign up with QuillBot section. They collect your payment information necessary to process your payment and share limited payment information with us, as described in the Payment Data row in the chart below.
  • Advertising Partners These third parties help us market our services and provide you with other offers that may be of interest to you. They include:
    • Marketing providers
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate When Using Our Services
    • Third-party log-in services
  • Legal Obligations. Third parties that carry out the activities set forth under Meeting Legal Requirements and Enforcing Legal Terms in the Our Uses section above.
  • Business Transfers. If we undergo a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part), your personal data may be transferred to that third party. Should one of these events occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before your information becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.

The below chart details the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal data that we collect and have collected over the past 12 months.

Category of Personal DataPersonal Data We CollectCategories of Third Parties With Whom We May Share this Personal Data:
Profile or Contact Data
  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
  • Payment Processors
Payment Data
  • Billing address
  • Payment card type
  • Last 4 digits of payment card
  • Expiration date
  • Service Providers
Commercial Data
  • Purchase history
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Online Identifiers
  • Unique identifiers such as account name and passwords
  • Service Providers
Device/IP Data
  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Type of device/operating system/browser used to access the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Web Analytics
  • Browsing or search history
  • Web page interactions
  • Referring webpage/source through which you accessed the Services
  • Statistics associated with the interaction between device or browser and the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Third-Party Login Data
  • Email
  • Username on social network or third-party login service
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Geolocation Data
  • IP-address-based location information
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Other Identifying Information that You Voluntarily Choose to Provide
  • Identifying information in emails or letters you send us
  • Service Providers

Deleting Your Account

If you would like to delete the personal data QuillBot holds about you, you can request this via the Contact Us page or by emailing

Cookie Policy

To view our Cookie Policy, click here .

Scribbr B.V. is the data controller of your personal data for the purposes of delivering the Services (as defined in our Terms of Use). You can contact us at

Scribbr B.V.
Attn: Monique Ho, General Counsel
Singel 542, 1017 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands Registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 67863019

Table of Contents

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about children under 13 years of age; if you are a child under the age of 13, please do not attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. If we learn we have collected personal data from a child under 13 years of age, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 years of age may have provided personal data to us, please contact Scribbr B.V. to provide that information (see the Contact Us section).

If you are under the age of 16 and a resident of the EEA or United Kingdom, or under 18 and are a resident of Israel, please have your parent or guardian contact us to provide consent for processing your personal data before you attempt to register for or otherwise use the Services or send us any personal data. Please see the Contact Us section.

Personal Data Collected

When you sign up with Scribbr

When you sign up to use our Services, we collect:

  • Your name, email and telephone number
  • The user type: student, teacher or other user
  • Level of education
  • In which country you study
  • At which school you study
  • The field and year of study
  • The expected graduation date

You will have the option to provide us with billing name, email, and address, if different from the name and email used to create an account with us.

Collected through your use of Scribbr

When you use our Services, we collect:

  • IP address to, among other things, identify the applicable tax for services rendered
  • Browsing history
  • Movements on our websites or websites of third parties gathered through tracking cookies. For detailed information about our use of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy

We collect any identifying information in the content of the document(s) you share with us. Specifically for proofreading services, we collect any identifying information you share with us to help provide Services to you.

Payment information, such as card number, is collected and processed directly by our third-party payment processors. Our payment processors are Adyen, Chargebee, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. For information on our payment processor’s collection, use and storage of your personal data, please see the payment processor’s privacy policy. Our payment processors do not share your full payment card information with us.

Collected about you from third party sources

If you choose to sign up with Scribbr using a third-party log-in service, you will provide us or allow the log-in service to provide us with your personal data as specified by that third-party log-in service. For example, if you choose to sign up using Facebook, you will provide us or allow Facebook to provide us with your personal data, such as your name, email, and ID assigned to your account, if available. If you use Google, you will provide us or allow Google to provide us with your name, email, ID assigned to your account, and profile picture, if available.

For more information about the personal data shared with us, please see the third-party log-in services (Facebook and Google’s) privacy policies.

Provided by you when you communicate with us

When you contact us for customer support, we collect:

  • IP address
  • Your name, email and telephone number
  • Content of your message
  • Details with regard to any follow-up

We collect your email and any other personal data you may provide to us when you respond to surveys or questionnaires we send for research purposes or as part of our Services, or when you provide feedback.

Our Uses

In addition to the Our Shared Purposes section in Part One, we use the personal data we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Providing, customizing and improving the Services
    • Providing users with the products, services or information they request.
    • Providing support and assistance for the Services.
    • Improving the Services, including testing, research, internal analytics and product development.
    • Personalizing the Services, website content and communications based on users’ preferences.
    • Doing fraud protection, security and debugging.
    • Carrying out other business purposes stated when collecting users’ personal data or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
    • Creating and managing user accounts or user profiles.
    • Processing orders or other transactions; billing.
  • Marketing the Services
    • Marketing and selling the Services.
    • Showing you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising.
  • Corresponding with you
    • Responding to correspondence that we receive from you, contacting you when necessary or requested, and sending you information about us or the Services.
    • Sending emails and other communications according to your preferences or that display content that we think will interest you.
  • Meeting legal requirements and enforcing legal terms
    • Fulfilling our legal obligations under applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), such as preventing, detecting and investigating security incidents and potentially illegal or prohibited activities.
    • Protecting the rights, property or safety of you, Scribbr, or another party.
    • Enforcing any agreements with you, including our Terms of Use.

For UK and EEA residents, please see Additional Terms for European Economic Area and UK Residents in Part One for our lawful basis for processing your personal data for the purposes described above.

How We Share Your Personal Data

In addition to the How We Share Your Personal Data Amongst Course Hero Companies section in Part One, we share your personal data as reasonably necessary for the purposes described below:

  • Service Providers These third parties help us provide the Services or perform business functions on our behalf. They include:
    • Hosting, technology and communication providers
    • Support and customer service vendors
    • Analytics providers that provide analytics on web traffic or usage of our Services (e.g. tools that track user clicks or how visitors found our Services)
    • Payment processors
      • Our third party payment processors are listed in the Collected Through Your Use of Scribbr section. They collect your payment information necessary to process your payment and share limited payment information with Course Hero, as described in the Payment Data row in the chart below.
  • Advertising Partners These third parties help us market our services and provide you with other offers that may be of interest to you. They include:
    • Ad networks (including social media ad networks)
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate When Using Our Services
    • Third-party log-in services
  • Legal Obligations. Third parties that carry out the activities set forth under Meeting Legal Requirements and Enforcing Legal Terms in the Our Uses section above.
  • Business Transfers. If we undergo a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which a third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part), your personal data may be transferred to that third party. Should one of these events occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before your information becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.

Below are the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal data that we collect and have collected over the past 12 months.

Category of Personal DataPersonal Data We CollectCategories of Third Parties With Whom We May Share this Personal Data:
Profile or Contact Data
  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • User type: student, teacher or other user
  • Billing name, email, and address
  • Level of education
  • In which country you study
  • At which school you study
  • The field and year of study
  • The expected graduation date
  • Service Providers
Payment Data
  • Card holder name
  • Billing address
  • Payment card type
  • First 6 and last 4 digits of payment card
  • Service Providers
Commercial Data
  • Purchase history
  • Consumer profiles
  • Service Providers
  • Analytics Partners
Online Identifiers
  • Unique identifiers such as account name and passwords
  • Parties Users Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Device/IP Data
  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Domain server
  • Type of device/operating system/browser used to access the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
Web Analytics
  • Browsing or search history
  • Web page interactions
  • Referring webpage/source through which you accessed the Services
  • Non-identifiable request IDs
  • Statistics associated with the interaction between device or browser and the Services
  • Analytics Partners
Third-Party Login Data
  • Email
  • Name and profile picture
  • Service Providers
Consumer Demographic Data
  • Postal code
  • Education level
  • Service Providers
Geolocation Data
  • IP-address-based location information
  • Advertising Processors
  • Analytics Partners
Other Identifying Information that You Voluntarily Choose to Provide
  • Identifying information in emails or letters you send us
  • Identifying information in the content of the document(s) you share with us
  • Specifically for proofreading services: any identifying information you share with us to help provide services to you
  • Service Providers

Provided below are the locations of third party recipients with whom we share your personal data with:

Visiting our websiteData processors engaged by us, such as advertising companies and hosting providers.USA, The Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Belgium
Using our ServicesData processors engaged by us, such as hosting providers and providers of plagiarism software.USA, The Netherlands, Ireland
Customer service or otherwise corresponding with youData processors engaged by us, such as hosting providers and providers of CRM software.USA, The Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Belgium
Other general purposesSubcontractors or service providers such as auditing companies, consulting and law firms, and insurance companies;

Data processors engaged by us, such as hosting providers;

Relevant authorities
USA, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany

Additional Data Security

In addition to the security measures identified in the Data Security section of this policy, we take the following security measures to protect your personal data:

  • all documents are uploaded to Scribbr via a secure connection;
  • logical and physical security (e.g. safe, doorman, firewall, network segmentation);
  • technical control of the authorizations (as limited as possible) and keeping log files;
  • management of the technical vulnerabilities (patch management);
  • keeping software up-to-date (e.g. browsers, virus scanners and operating systems);
  • making back-ups to safeguard availability and accessibility of the personal data;
  • automatic erasure of outdated personal data;

Examples of organizational security measures taken by us are:

  • special guidelines to which all employees and experts must abide, including confidentiality;
  • uploaded documents are never shared with third parties, nor are they published;
  • experts are obliged to delete your documents after having edited it;
  • assign responsibilities for information security;
  • promote privacy and security awareness among new and existing employees;
  • establish procedures to test, assess and evaluate security measures periodically;
  • check log files regularly;
  • using a protocol for handling data breaches and other security incidents;
  • conclude confidentiality, data processing and data protection agreements;
  • assess whether the same objectives can be achieved with less personal data;
  • provide access to personal data to as few people within the organization as possible; and
  • define the decision-making and underlying considerations per processing.

We have internal security policies in place in which it is further described how we ensure an appropriate level of technical and organizational security measures. We also have a data breach policy in place in which it is described how we deal with a (possible) data breach.


Supplementing Part One of this policy, we do not store your personal data any longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes for which we process your personal data. We have put in place the following Retention Policy to ensure that your personal data are deleted after a reasonable period:

ActivityRetention period
Visiting our websitePlease see our Cookie Policy
Using our Services
  • Your account: 3 years after your last activity on your account
  • Edited documents: 12 months after editing
  • Plagiarism checked documents:
    • Document as a whole: 1 month after the check
    • Results of the check: 12 months after the check
  • Citation Checker and Self Plagiarism Checker:
    • Quick checks: 60 minutes after the check
    • Regular checks: 90 days after the check
Customer service or otherwise corresponding with you
  • If you have an account: up until the deletion of your account
  • If you do not have an account: 6 months after the last date of contact
Job openings1 month or, upon your request, 3 months after you have applied
Other general purposesRetention terms depend on the relevant purpose. In any case, no longer than necessary

You can always delete your documents and results before the standardized retention terms manually via your account. Documents uploaded in the Citation Checker / Self-Plagiarism Checker can be deleted by contacting us. Please find our contact details in the Contact Us section.

Deleting Your Account

If you would like to delete your account from the Scribbr platform, you can do this directly by going to “Account” in “Settings.” If you choose to delete your account: 1) your account information (first and last name, email address, phone number, user type, and any other information you provided on your account) will be deleted from the Scribbr platform, 2) all your uploaded documents and order details will be deleted automatically; this is irrevocable, and you can never use or enter this account again; 3) the Scribbr team will no longer have access to your documents. This means we cannot deal with possible complaints, as we cannot address complaints from deleted accounts.

If the CCPA, GDPR or other privacy law grants you the right to have your personal data deleted entirely from Scribbr and you want to exercise that right, please read Part One of this policy for how to submit your request.

Cookie Policy

To view our Cookie Policy, click here .